Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hello Seattle! (Thanks for the CD Brent)

Day 6
Finally! Sorry for posting this last day so late! We've been job searching/ new place hunting... you know how that goes! We're enjoying the city and I'll be posting about it as well!

So we finish the great trek west with the very last shortest leg from the edge of Eastern Washington to Seattle. This is the view from Judy's porch! The Snake River and Chief Timothy Park there in the middle! 

That's the view I woke up with! It was amazing!

It looks like you're going to just fall off the cliff edge of their driveway! It was really up there on the mountain!

Here's one view of the winding road up to Judy's house. It was a terror to climb, but the views make it so worth it!

Here's the view from the bottom of the road. The house is way up there on the top of the mountain to the left.

 Here's another great view along the Snake River. It was a gorgeous morning! And it was hilly as we drove across the top of the Cascade mountain range.

We drove through some amazing looking orchards as well. It was some great scenery across the great state of Washington! We also finished the Great Gastby if anyone was wondering. It was again not as great as I had hoped it would be, but maybe the movie will be great anyway. Side note- as I was finishing the last chapter, which just drags on, I said I didn't want to finish the last 3 pages at which time Jen pops up from laying on her pillow to yell that I had to finish it- she didn't hear the last pages... she totally fell asleep right after saying this.

Above and below are pictures of some orchards and vineyards in this wine grape growing region of Washington. They looked pretty even without any grapes. Maybe we'll go back out to visit some on a weekend trip out of the city next summer!

Here are some great rocks!

 And here is the sketchiest bathrooms we used all trip long. The only outside entrance bathrooms we found, but don't worry it was very clean inside. This was where we stopped 2 minutes after Jacob pulled over to the side of the road to pee because he couldn't wait haha.

Here is the rainbow Jen spotted while we thought she was sleeping. It was cold and rainy and then nice out again- hence the rainbow!

Here is a field of windmills. They are totally massive and there were just tons of them! Yay for clean energy sources!

Cascade mountains!

 And here was are folks! SEATTLE!! This is Lake Union and some Seattle neighborhoods!

 Yay Seattle!!

 A sight for sore eyes! And once we got into the city we drove right to our storage unit, and unpacked the car snappy, speedy because it was sort of rainy- normal!

 Here is our storage unit! Lots of stuff... well mostly just clothes!

Then we got to my brother's house in Captiol Hill (a neighborhood just east of downtown) and after putting way to many bags in his small basement room. woops we're girls that can't decide what we need with us! Then we went out to dinner with my good friend Georgia!

So that was the great journey! We traveled many miles but we made it and had a great time doing it! Jacob stayed the night with us, and then he woke up and turned right back around. We'll keep updating to let everyone know how much we loooove the west coast and Seattle!

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